Detox Foot Bath
"I was initially skeptical about the benefits that could be realized from taking an ion foot bath. Andrea offered me and my husband Nick a complementary footbath to see whether or not we would change our opinions. We were both so impressed, we signed up for a series of 6 sessions each! I had struggled with some lower back pain for a few months, and noticed that after a few foot baths, I no longer had any pain. My energy level has improved, and I sleep more soundly than I had previous to taking these baths. Nick mentioned that he had been experiencing pain in his heel, and was also pain free after a few treatments; he too has experienced improved energy levels. We truly appreciated the time that Andrea took to explain the process and benefits of taking the footbaths, and assisted us in decifering what the color changes denoted as a result of having taken the bath. We have been so impressed by how well we have felt after taking the series of footbaths that we decided to invest in one of our own. Thanks Andrea, it was well worth the investment!"
Jean Boccio
Port St. Lucie, FL
Enhanced Living ADVANCED ION Therapeutics Foot Bath is a biofield-enhancing and detoxification tool for home or clinical use. It’s really a simple and powerful technology that provides a holistic alternative to full body cleanse and energy body stimulation. Ionic foot baths help to clean up and redefine energy pathways and unblock the free flow of energy in the meridians. An Ionic foot bath can be used on their own, or as a compliment to other detox systems such as a herbal detox formula, regular exercise and proper diet.
The Enhanced Living ADVANCED ION therapeutics device works by the principal of ionization. The Enhanced Living array is placed in water where a magnetic field is formed by the rise of the negative potential in the water. Once our feet come into contact with the water, they experience the same potential as the water. This bio magnetic field causes the sodium and potassium ions outside the cell membrane to rearrange. The salt in the water acts as a bridge and allows the cell membranes to convert positive ions to negative ions. This conversion activates the cell tissue through the entire body; the cells become charged with energy and immediately start to detoxify. These waste products are expelled through the normal detoxification channels such as sweat and urine. This delicate balance can be an important factor to one’s overall health. If one’s pH balance is too acidic, the body borrows minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium from vital organs and bones to neutralize the acid and development of osteoporosis and other diseases. Almost all diseases thrive in an acidic environment. If the acid can be alkalized, improvement maybe seen within just a few treatments. Anyone who suffers from a disease that manifests itself in an acidic environment such as acidosis, osteoporosis, eczema, psoriasis, fibromyalgia, arthritis (most types), gout, candida, and even cancer may live a better quality of life with regular Enhanced Living ADVANCED ION THERAPEUTICS treatments.
PH is a measure of the balance between positively and negatively charged ions in the body fluids,i.e. blood, urine, and saliva. The “p” stands for “potenz” (the potential to be) and the “H” stands for Hydrogen. A lower pH value (below 7) indicates that one’s body fluid is on the acidic side, while a higher value (above 7) indicates alkalinity. A pH of 7.0 is considered neutral and is also the pH of distilled water.
Why the Colors Change During Ionic Foot Bath?
It is important to understand that the color of the water will change color even if the unit is operating without feet in the water. The basic color change is a result of the reactions between all the variables in the water and the alloys in the array.
You may be asking yourself where the bright colors come from when you’re taking an ionic foot bath. You can indeed see a lot of colored stuff, from white and yellow, to brown, green and even black.
This doesn’t necessary mean that there is no detoxification taking place, or the color of precipitations you see in the foot bath, couldn’t be affected by the toxins that might leave the body through the skin. Some believe that the final colors will be the result of the interaction between the toxins and the complexed metal ions and different colors signifies the detoxification of different body parts and organs. I personally wouldn’t go as far as to say that color changes are not affected by toxins and the single responsible for them are contaminants in the water and metal ions from the array.
A typical color chart looks like this:
White: Yeast & Lymphatic system
Yellow: Urinary tract
Orange, Dark Yellow, Brown: Joints and Liver
Red Flecks: Blood clots
Green: Gall Bladder
Blue: Kidney
Black Flecks: Heavy metals
Foam: Mucus
Oil Floating: Fat
Black: Liver & Gallbladder
The single most important underlying factor that determines the colors in the foot bath, is the quality of water itself. Water, especially ordinary tap water, contains a lot of impurities (both solved and suspended contaminants) but some of the influencing matter is coming from the surface of the skin or expelled through the pores.
Metal ions are continually being set free from the array while the current is turned on. This is called electro-corrosion. Due to the electrical decomposition of the metal electrodes, metal ions are entering the water and form colorful complexes with the water molecules. Salts and different impurities present in the water change the way these metallic complexes are interacting with light. The most important color modifiers are sodium, antimony, iron, chlorine, pesticides, magnesium, manganese, boron, barium, arsenic, nickel, asbestos, fluorine, nitrates, cadmium, thallium, chromium, copper, detergents and other organic materials.
Some of these complexated ions become insoluble and start to get accumulated on the wall of the container or float up to the surface of the water as all kinds of colorful stuff. These colored flecks will appear regardless of your feet being present or not while operating the ionic foot bath.
The pH and temperature also play an important role in the formulation of final colors. The skin’s pH is not neutral and most of the time contains remnants of soap, dead cells, substances from the sebaceous glands, nail varnish, dyes from shoes, bacteria, fungi, etc. While pH is primarily determined by skin conditions, other internal influences will also manifest through the skin and sub-dermal tissues. Ionic foot bath sessions have a song impact on the capillary micro-circulation of the whole body, including the legs. This will mobilize circulation and help to release all the stored-up material in the skin.
It is easy to understand that there are too many variables for it to be possible to make an all inclusive color chart. The colors don’t correspond to any pathological state or specific organ deficit or at least the process is very difficult to match up to these conditions.
Many vendors make false claims about these color changes to pitch their products. They have all these color charts and tables as if colors were corresponding to specific organs and body fluids, different types of heavy metals, toxins and other substances. They try to impress people who do not actually understand or care about the chemical principles behind the color changes.
Would this mean that ionic foot baths don’t work? Nope. It just means that the way they are advertised is wrong or rather, they are being advertised to the wrong folks. Ion cleanse foot baths actually help detoxify your body but you won’t sweat toxins out of your feet. Instead of direct detoxification, ionic foot bath machines boosts the functioning of the detoxifying organs (such as the Kidneys and the Liver). And they do that extremely well.
Ion foot baths can do much more to your health, that is far more important than detoxification. It is obvious, that ion cleanse has a highly positive impact on the human body and well-being. You can forget about all these color changes all together.
The basic health claims are listed as follows:
~Ionic foot baths stimulate and rebalance the whole bio-energetic field
~Clear up energetic blockages / unblock the energy flow in the meridians
~Facilitate capillary micro-circulation in the organs
~Improve lymphatic circulation and boost immune functions, thus increase the body’s ability to fight infections, inflammations and cancer
~Enhance the functioning of the detoxifying organs such as the liver, kidneys, colon, skin and lungs
~Enhance the body’s ability to protect itself from electromagnetic field radiation
~Have a general stimulating effect on the whole organism increasing the overall sense of well-being
~Ion foot baths improve sleep and memory functions
~Decrease recovery time after injuries, surgeries and diseases
~Help repairing the tissues, especially the connective tissues, increase flexibility
~Enhance nutrient absorption
~Help to relieve headaches, arthritis and joint pain
~May improve symptoms from multiple sclerosis, many inflammatory diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, old traumas due to injuries and reduces edema.
~Activates cell tissue throughout the body, strengthens immune function and helps relieve tension, pain and muscle aches.
~Improves hormonal disorders, ADHD, stress related conditions, panic and nervous disorders (with improved concentration and focus)
~Anti-aging effects, increases the user’s energy level and metabolism (promotes weight loss), helps regulate blood sugar and reduces the acidity level (pH balance0 within the blood and entire body.
~Promotes faster healing, deeper sleep and better sense of well-being.
~Improves acne and various other skin conditions enhancing facial tone, smoothness and skin elasticity.
~Improves the symptoms of most acid based diseases within a few treatments, including rheumatoid arthritis, gout and many other arthritic conditions.
- If you’re pregnant
- If you’re using a pacemaker
- If you’re less than 10 years old (without adult supervision – more info)
- If you’re eating or drinking – Important to prevent over-activation of the digestive organs. Wait 15-20 minutes after each session before ingesting food.
- Have a pacemaker or other electronic implements
- Have had an organ transplant
- Are pregnant or nursing
- Have epilepsy
- Have open wounds on your feet
- Are currently undergoing any form of radiation or chemotherapy
- Are a hemophiliac or taking blood thinners
WHAT TO DO BEFORE TREATMENT~Eat a light meal especially if you are Diabetic.
~Remove watches, coins, glasses, jewelry etc…
~No use of cellphone is permitted during treatment.
WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT DURING OR AFTER A TREATMENT results may vary between users. During the initial treatment you may feel some tingling and or energy in their feet, hands, arms and fingertips (some may also feel some tingling in their head).l These feelings are normal at first, are usually very mild and disappear within a few treatments. Old and new trauma areas may tingle, the facial skin may tighten and the individual may feel warm/hot a few hours later. Sometimes you wake up in the morning with a slight headache and muscle aches. However, once they start to move around, drink water, expel the toxins from the day before, and the headache and joint pain usually disappear.
The energy produced is natural and is very safe, but it may take a couple of treatments to become accustomed to it. That is why it is so important to follow the treatment schedule.
Some people will see benefits from just one treatment. For most others, it will take a series of 4 to 6 treatments. Each treatment can alkalize one’s body and disease that manifest in high acid conditions may get better with frequent use. These symptoms usually improve within just a few treatments.
~All users should take vitamin and mineral supplements.
~Drink plenty of water.
~Eat a healthy snack.
The Advanced ION Therapeutic Foot Bath is not covered by Insurance but Extremely Affordable
Each treatment is $40.00
Package of 6 Treatment sessions $210.00 (save $25.00)
Packages are for those who are serious about detoxing and will schedule all 6 appointments to be within the 3-6 week period.
It is best to take 2-3 weeks off after treatment sessions are completed.
Duration of treatment is 30 minutes
What better gift is there, then giving someone a healthier detoxed Body?