When people are asked the first thing they notice about a person, most respond that it is their eyes. The eyes are often described as the windows to our soul. When we look at a person’s eyes, we can often determine whether they are lying, angry or in love. We can also determine whether people are tired or not feeling well because the eyes will appear dull or lack the usual sparkle. The eyes are not only the window to our soul; the eyes are a map to our body.
Iridology is the study of the iris of the eye. Iris comes from the Greek name of the goddess of the rainbow, Iris. The Greeks noted eyes come in many, many colors. And ology also comes from the Greek, meaning study of. Literally translated, iridology means the study of the coloration of the eye. Iris diagnosis also includes not only the Iris but the pupil and sclera.
The Iris reveals changing conditions of every part and organ of the body. Every organ and part of the body is represented in the iris in a well defined area. (Please refer to chart below) The Iris is a micro-structure of the entire body. It is a blueprint that can tell us which portions of the body have enough energy to meet demands and which portions may need some assistance. Different parts of the body are assigned a certain amount of energy and the amount of energy can be evaluated via the iris. In addition, through various marks, signs, and discoloration in the iris, nature reveals inherited weaknesses and strengths. This information may be used to demonstrate a person’s susceptibility towards certain illnesses, to reflect past medical problems, his current conditions in general, his/her inherited and acquired tendencies towards health and disease, or to predict later health problems which may be developing. Iris fibers detect the structural integrity of the body. Iridology cannot detect a specific disease nor does it diagnose a disease. Rather, it is a preventative practice that helps people to understand their basic health issues so that they can seek treatment if necessary.
Most American-trained Iridologists, continue to maintain that the Iris is connected to the brain and reflects conditions in various parts of the body. There are 28,000 nerve ending that connect to the iris. The eyes are connected by the nervous system via the optic nerve to our brain. The brain records information on every physical and psychological event that occurs in our bodies. If the eye is connected to this human computer we call the brain, it is reasonable to hypothesize that colors and marks in the eyes change in response to changes in our bodies and are recorded in similar places just like the human brain has certain areas that record and retain information.
History of Iridology
The idea that the eyes are a mirror to the body is an ancient one. The Greek physician Hippocrates was known to examine patients’ eyes for signs of illness. It wasn’t until 1670, that the first actual medical reference to iridology as a diagnostic tool appeared in German physician Phillipus Meyens’ book Chiromatica Medica, in which he stated that the eye contained valuable information about the body. In the late-19th century Hungarian physician Ignatz von Peczely and Swedish clergyman Nils Liljequist independently advanced theories connecting the markings of the iris with tendencies toward specific ailments. Both men’s interest stemmed from experiences in their childhoods.
Today, modern iridology is practiced far more widely in Europe than in the United States, with Germany contributing most of the research in the field during the past century.
Iridology first became known in the United States in the 1950’s, when Bernard Jensen, an American chiropractor, began giving classes in his own method, which mainly concentrates on iris color, the body’s exposure to toxins, and use of natural foods as detoxifiers.
Your Appointment and What to Expect
The examination and consultation are typically done in 2 sessions. The initial exam is 30 min capturing pictures of the iris. The second appointment is where we sit down and go over the report of findings together. A specially designed iridology camera will be used to obtain a photograph of each Iris and then enlarged onto a computer screen allowing you to appreciate the complexity of the Iris structure. A computerized report of findings will be printed for the patient. You will be told about any risk factors and be given preventive health-care measures to follow. Since we are looking for areas within the body that are strong or deficient, we would make suggestions, letting you know what nutrient, food, vitamin, or herb has been known to be helpful. An Iridology Exam followup is recommended every 6 months to a year after the initial visit.
Now that you know and understand how Iridology works, lets talk about some questions or thoughts you may have.
The most common response I hear when an iris diagnosis is offered to a patient is:
"I don't want to know how sick I am." Prevention is always a better option than leaving your health problems to the very last moment. People often feel that their health is out of their control. They leave it to their doctors to take care of them when they are ill but do nothing themselves to prevent disease. I feel the greatest advantage that I offer people during an iris diagnosis is an opportunity for them to understand how their body works. They become familiarized with their strengths and weaknesses, so they have the opportunity to make changes in their lifestyle that will improve their health status. An iris diagnosis does not usually reveal symptoms of a disease but more importantly, reveals the condition of organs and systems in the body that lead to a disease. Iris diagnosis provides a tool to find the root of the problem.
Another question or reaction to Iris Diagnosis is:
"I'm healthy, why should I go for an iris diagnosis?" Again, prevention. Each one of us is born with a genetic iris constitution that has certain strengths and weaknesses and even though we may be healthy at this present time, it doesn't mean we will stay that way. The iris diagnosis is used for prevetion to let people know what you are predisposed to.
What is the fee for an Iridology Exam?
The fee is $150.00 This will include a report for each Iris. The report will consist of 20-30 pages of information for you to keep. Since an Iris Diagnosis is only recommended to be done every 6 months to a year, it is an inexpensive way to uncover your possible health issues and be able to refer to the report of findings to take your health into your own hands and strengthen any weaknesses that are reported. I go over the entire report of findings and all the recommendations so you completely understand your report.
How to Choose a Practitioner
In the United States, the practice of Iridology is unregulated or licensed by any governmental agency or professional organization. “Anyone” can claim to be an iridologist with training that ranges from a couple of days to several weekends. The IIPA (International Iridology Practitioner Association) maintains the highest level of professionalism, certification and standards. If you are seeking an iridologist, try to find one who is certified through IIPA. Unfortunately, among the approximately 10,000 individuals calling themselves iridologists in the U.S., no more than 150 or so actually meet the standards of certification. Andrea Murphy is certified with IIPA.
Iridology is safe, non-invasive, and painless. However, it should not be used as a substitute for conventional treatment.
My training in Iridology is based on the work of Dr. Bernard Jensen and conforms to the work of other American Iridology practitioners. While Iridology continues to be a somewhat controversial subject, my experience has shown it to be a safe, non-intrusive diagnostic tool that can in some cases help identify health anomalies before they become a major health concern.
Iridology is the study of the iris of the eye. Iris comes from the Greek name of the goddess of the rainbow, Iris. The Greeks noted eyes come in many, many colors. And ology also comes from the Greek, meaning study of. Literally translated, iridology means the study of the coloration of the eye. Iris diagnosis also includes not only the Iris but the pupil and sclera.
The Iris reveals changing conditions of every part and organ of the body. Every organ and part of the body is represented in the iris in a well defined area. (Please refer to chart below) The Iris is a micro-structure of the entire body. It is a blueprint that can tell us which portions of the body have enough energy to meet demands and which portions may need some assistance. Different parts of the body are assigned a certain amount of energy and the amount of energy can be evaluated via the iris. In addition, through various marks, signs, and discoloration in the iris, nature reveals inherited weaknesses and strengths. This information may be used to demonstrate a person’s susceptibility towards certain illnesses, to reflect past medical problems, his current conditions in general, his/her inherited and acquired tendencies towards health and disease, or to predict later health problems which may be developing. Iris fibers detect the structural integrity of the body. Iridology cannot detect a specific disease nor does it diagnose a disease. Rather, it is a preventative practice that helps people to understand their basic health issues so that they can seek treatment if necessary.
Most American-trained Iridologists, continue to maintain that the Iris is connected to the brain and reflects conditions in various parts of the body. There are 28,000 nerve ending that connect to the iris. The eyes are connected by the nervous system via the optic nerve to our brain. The brain records information on every physical and psychological event that occurs in our bodies. If the eye is connected to this human computer we call the brain, it is reasonable to hypothesize that colors and marks in the eyes change in response to changes in our bodies and are recorded in similar places just like the human brain has certain areas that record and retain information.
History of Iridology
The idea that the eyes are a mirror to the body is an ancient one. The Greek physician Hippocrates was known to examine patients’ eyes for signs of illness. It wasn’t until 1670, that the first actual medical reference to iridology as a diagnostic tool appeared in German physician Phillipus Meyens’ book Chiromatica Medica, in which he stated that the eye contained valuable information about the body. In the late-19th century Hungarian physician Ignatz von Peczely and Swedish clergyman Nils Liljequist independently advanced theories connecting the markings of the iris with tendencies toward specific ailments. Both men’s interest stemmed from experiences in their childhoods.
Today, modern iridology is practiced far more widely in Europe than in the United States, with Germany contributing most of the research in the field during the past century.
Iridology first became known in the United States in the 1950’s, when Bernard Jensen, an American chiropractor, began giving classes in his own method, which mainly concentrates on iris color, the body’s exposure to toxins, and use of natural foods as detoxifiers.
Your Appointment and What to Expect
The examination and consultation are typically done in 2 sessions. The initial exam is 30 min capturing pictures of the iris. The second appointment is where we sit down and go over the report of findings together. A specially designed iridology camera will be used to obtain a photograph of each Iris and then enlarged onto a computer screen allowing you to appreciate the complexity of the Iris structure. A computerized report of findings will be printed for the patient. You will be told about any risk factors and be given preventive health-care measures to follow. Since we are looking for areas within the body that are strong or deficient, we would make suggestions, letting you know what nutrient, food, vitamin, or herb has been known to be helpful. An Iridology Exam followup is recommended every 6 months to a year after the initial visit.
Now that you know and understand how Iridology works, lets talk about some questions or thoughts you may have.
The most common response I hear when an iris diagnosis is offered to a patient is:
"I don't want to know how sick I am." Prevention is always a better option than leaving your health problems to the very last moment. People often feel that their health is out of their control. They leave it to their doctors to take care of them when they are ill but do nothing themselves to prevent disease. I feel the greatest advantage that I offer people during an iris diagnosis is an opportunity for them to understand how their body works. They become familiarized with their strengths and weaknesses, so they have the opportunity to make changes in their lifestyle that will improve their health status. An iris diagnosis does not usually reveal symptoms of a disease but more importantly, reveals the condition of organs and systems in the body that lead to a disease. Iris diagnosis provides a tool to find the root of the problem.
Another question or reaction to Iris Diagnosis is:
"I'm healthy, why should I go for an iris diagnosis?" Again, prevention. Each one of us is born with a genetic iris constitution that has certain strengths and weaknesses and even though we may be healthy at this present time, it doesn't mean we will stay that way. The iris diagnosis is used for prevetion to let people know what you are predisposed to.
What is the fee for an Iridology Exam?
The fee is $150.00 This will include a report for each Iris. The report will consist of 20-30 pages of information for you to keep. Since an Iris Diagnosis is only recommended to be done every 6 months to a year, it is an inexpensive way to uncover your possible health issues and be able to refer to the report of findings to take your health into your own hands and strengthen any weaknesses that are reported. I go over the entire report of findings and all the recommendations so you completely understand your report.
How to Choose a Practitioner
In the United States, the practice of Iridology is unregulated or licensed by any governmental agency or professional organization. “Anyone” can claim to be an iridologist with training that ranges from a couple of days to several weekends. The IIPA (International Iridology Practitioner Association) maintains the highest level of professionalism, certification and standards. If you are seeking an iridologist, try to find one who is certified through IIPA. Unfortunately, among the approximately 10,000 individuals calling themselves iridologists in the U.S., no more than 150 or so actually meet the standards of certification. Andrea Murphy is certified with IIPA.
Iridology is safe, non-invasive, and painless. However, it should not be used as a substitute for conventional treatment.
My training in Iridology is based on the work of Dr. Bernard Jensen and conforms to the work of other American Iridology practitioners. While Iridology continues to be a somewhat controversial subject, my experience has shown it to be a safe, non-intrusive diagnostic tool that can in some cases help identify health anomalies before they become a major health concern.